Simply Priya

You are what you THINK

2024 Bloganuary #30 – complain

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What do you complain about the most?

I am a person who doesn’t complain easily without ample research and reason. If there is something that bothers me, I will change that if I can, else ignore. Getting upset is easy but bringing back my mind to normalcy, peace or happy state is an effort. So I don’t let myself complain about anything easily.

Usually I complain to my husband about not caring enough about me. Those are usually silly or false accusations. He is a sweet person who genuinely takes care of me. I practice gratefulness rather than complaining. The former makes our life look green and beautiful, while the latter makes our precious life look empty and painful.

For instance at present my office commute is a major thing I can complain about. But I research if the time to reach home is early if I shift my home to a nearer place. I evaluate each trade off and adjust to travelling distance. I accept that wholeheartedly. Everything that annoys can be handled by finding the cause.

Change things that you cannot accept. Accept things that you cannot change

Simple 🙂

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